Healthy Home as per Vastu

Is Your Home Healthy?
Good health is above the wealth. That’s because you cannot truly be a wealthy person if you do not have a sound health. In todays environment, staying healthy and fit is vitally important. 

As our lives are certainly not getting easier, the need to create a healthy and vibrant home environment cannot be overestimated. We have to have a safe, peaceful and energetically balanced space where our bodies can let down the daylong protective shield and focus on regenerating and self-healing.

Understanding some very basic vastu arrangement inside the house can help you to make profound changes toward better health for you and your loved ones. Health is the foundation stone for creating wealth and the ability to enjoy the wealth created. Your health is directly connected to your environment. You can improve your life and business  by  proper planning of home and work environment with the help of vastu shastra.

Energy Drain
In addition to the bad habbits and sedentary lifestyle , there are other factors which also are equally responsible for the poor health. Your home environment could be a key element in the  health condition of the family. Make your home clutter free. Clutter is defined as unorganized things you do not love, that are unfinished and take up space within your home & life. Clutter free environment makes you stress free. However, there are a number of vastu  techniques that you can use to stop the energy drain.

Good  colours and lightings
Colour has a powerful effect on your mood & behavior. Each color is an expression of the certain kind of energy. Color is able not only to affect our mood, but also has an influence at our health. If you have too dark colour in your home then you could suffer from depression, allergies & colds. 

Lighting transforms a space.The use and moderation of light, be it natural or artificial, is important in vastu , as it influences and defines a homes atmosphere. It also has a powerful effect on our personalities and can depress, stimulate or relax us. Rooms that are poorly lit are depressing and can strain the eyes. Create a more restful environment with lights, and rooms become soothing and comfortable, helping us to unwind from outside stresses in a calming and nurturing environment.

 Check at your health sector?
The health corner of the home is located in the east sector, a direction of sun – a vital energy force.   Is there a bathroom/toilet there?  Is there a store room ? If so, you will want to make it as clean and clear as possible.  Use of rock salt, crystal , sun painting and colours in this area can effectively neutralize the negatives of the  wrong placement.

Is your bed room is located in proper direction
The bedroom is one of the critical areas of the house.  Make sure the bed is positioned correctly and in the positive direction. Eliminate  views to the bathroom or toilet or mirror or water feature.  Clear off surfaces regularly, making the room as clean and clear as possible.  Make this room as healthful as possible. 

If you suffer from insomnia, it is a good idea to look at your bedroom and determine how you can improve its energy flow in order to promote a good night’s sleep. Some common causes of sleep problems include too many mirrors in the bedroom, colors that are too bright instead of muted or objects that tend to create "poor energy ," and objects stored under the bed, which generate stagnant, negative energy that is absorbed by your body when you’re in bed.

Are there health symbols around your house?
According to vastu & even feng shui,  certain objects and symbols promote longevity and good health.  These includes sun, deer, bamboo plants, crystals, fountains etc.   Even pictures that feature the elements of vastu are considered to be auspicious health symbols. 

Some people puts fish tanks or water fountains either for decoration or suggested by consultant. Make certain you have clean fish tanks or fountains.  Dirty water equates to poor health and vitality, poor energy  and it can affect your finances, too! 

Create a healthy environment with Vastu shastra and begin to change the way you feel.

These are general guidelines which  can be safely applied to your house. However, if you are serious about achieving a sound health, then a personalized consultation is recommended.